New Frontiers in Engineered Surfaces and ThinFilms: Approaches & Application,  25 – 27th October 2022

Selcuk University, Konya, Türkiye


Call for Papers: Workshop “New Frontiers in Engineered Surfaces and Thin Films: Approaches & Application“ October 25-27, 2022, Selcuk University, Türkiye

“New Frontiers in Engineered Surfaces and Thin Films: Approaches & Application” is an interdisciplinary workshop and will gather internationally recognized speakers from Ireland Italy, Germany, Australia and United Kingdom’s Universities and SMEs, aiming to outline and discuss various novel approaches for new frontiers in engineered surfaces and thin films. The workshop will be organized for the activity of EngSurf-Twin, is a three-year Horizon 2020 project funded by the European Union Research and Innovation programme under the Grant Agreement number 952289

The meeting will focus non-exclusively on the following topics:

  • Two-photon 3D micro-nanoprinting_
  • Plasmonic Nanoantennas_
  • Nanotextured surfaces with superhydrophobic and antibacterial properties_
  • Subwavelength nanostructures for antireflective surfaces_
  • Surface nanobubbles for water treatment, agriculture and more_
  • Nanomaterial for gas sensing_
  • Industry trends in __nanopatterned surfaces___
  • Nanoimprint lithography___
  • Nanofabrication by particle beams

Attendance and Registration

The workshop attendance is free and open to students and researchers interested in Engineered Surfaces and Films for Emerging Technologies.

Regular updates are available from [1]

This 3-days workshop is a hybrid event, and will take place on 25-27th October 2022, in Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey. Deadline for abstract submission and registration is 01.10. 2022.

Please submit your abstract and/or expression of interest to join the workshop to

We look forward to your participation in the EngSurf-Twin Workshop

Organisation Committee